Code of Conduct2
The code of conduct serves to nurture in our students desired values and behaviours that are exemplary.
The discipline processes and systems in the school are designed to help and guide students to think responsibly, reflect on their actions, understand the consequences of actions as well as responsibilities and come up with collaborative solutions to move forward. Discipline offences will have a direct impact on conduct grade, testimonial of students
The school has a clear set of rules and regulations, which together with the school’s philosophy for discipline, are shared with the students. The rationale for each segment of the rules and regulations have been articulated explicitly to ensure that students do not follow rules blindly. Instead, students should understand the intentions and reasons for these rules as well as how these rules would serve them well in future as they progress to the next phase of their education and lives.
We trust that students who graduate from PCSS would leave the school as responsible young adults and citizens who are ready to contribute to the community and the nation.
Rationale: To present oneself well and uphold the good name of the school with pride both in and out of school
- Shirts and blouses must be properly buttoned up, worn neatly and smartly at all times
- The length of the school skirt should not be 3cm higher than the knees.
- The school pants/shorts/shirt/skirt is of the correct size and not oversized, too tight or too short.
- White/black or dark coloured school based t-shirts can be worn underneath the school shirt. No bright or fluorescent coloured t-shirts e.g. bright pink, neon green or orange etc.
- Only canvas shoes or sports shoes are allowed. Canvas shoes must be predominately in the following colours: Black, Blue, White and Grey. Sports shoes can be of any colour but avoid bright and flashy colours. Brightly coloured shoes are strictly not allowed. The shoes should either be with laces or straps. Slip-on and high-cut shoes are not allowed. Shoes with lights, wheels or wedges are also not allowed.
- Socks should be worn at all times when in school attire. Socks must be black, white or grey in colour. Socks should also be long enough to cover the ankles but not the calf.
- Any footwear, other than the above prescribed shoes, are not allowed to be worn in school except for medical reasons and approved by a teacher with supporting documentation issued by medical practitioners registered under the Medical Registration Act.
- The prescribed attire for various school activities and events (unless otherwise specified) is as follows:
- Prescribed school uniform skirt
- Shirt and shorts for lower secondary boys
- Shirt and pants for upper secondary boys
- Blouse and skirts for both upper and lower secondary girls
- PE attire
Students must wear the school PE t-shirt and shorts for all PE lessons - Prescribed school uniform
- Prescribed school uniform (unless informed of any changes)
- PE attire
- Class/CCA T-shirts with PE shorts
- Depending on the nature of activity,
- Prescribed school uniform
- PE attire
- Class T-shirt with school shorts / pants / skirts/ PE shorts
- PE attire
- PE/CCA/Class T-shirt with school shorts /pants / skirt / PE shorts
- Shoes and socks (no slippers allowed)
- PE attire
- CCA/Class T-shirt with PE shorts
- Prescribed school uniform
- PE attire
- PE/CCA/Class T-shirt with school shorts / pants / skirts / PE shorts
- CCA Attire / CCA T-shirts/PE shorts / school shorts / pants / skirts
- PE/Class/CCA T-shirt with PE shorts / school shorts / pants/ skirts (This is a privilege that will be reviewed by the school when necessary)
- All students are to ensure the following:
- For Male Students
- Only natural hair colour is allowed (i.e. no dyeing/tinting/highlights).
- Hair must be neat and kept above the eyebrows. When combed downwards, hair should not cover the eyes, touch the ear as well as the collar of the uniform.
- Hair at the crown must not be too thick or bushy.
- Hairstyles must be kept simple. It should not incorporate any inappropriate styles as deemed by the school. Hairstyles such as e.g. undercut, thin shaven at the side, shaved line parting, fringe touching eye-brows, V-shaped at the back are not allowed.
- Earrings or ear sticks are not allowed
- Moustache/Beard/Goatee/Facial Piercings are not allowed. All students must be clean shaven and neat in appearance
- Sideburns, where kept, should not go beyond the cartilage at the centre of the ear
- For Female Students
- Only natural hair colour is allowed (i.e. no dyeing/tinting/highlights).
- Hair must be neat and hair that is touching the shoulder or hair that is longer than shoulder length should be tied up.
- Length of hair fringe should be above the eyebrows. If the fringe is below the eyebrows, it should be clipped up.
- Any hair accessories worn should not be fanciful.
- Any ear studs worn should be of a simple design and not fanciful.
- Only one ear stud per ear is allowed and it has to be worn on the ear lobes only.
- Any ear sticks worn should be transparent.
- Dangling earrings are not allowed.
- All students are not allowed to have the following on them:
- Tattoos of any kind (visible or otherwise).
Students found with any tattoos should remove it before they are allowed to go to class. - Henna painting.
- Make-up of any form.
- Long and/or coloured nails are not allowed.
- Fanciful or striking spectacle frames.
Spectacle lenses should not be tinted. - Cosmetic contact lenses.
E.g., contact lens with colour/patterns, contact lens that enlarge the pupils etc. - Accessories of any kind unless special permission is given
Religious accessories, when worn, should be concealed. - Student leaders are to put on their Student Leaders’ badge at all times when they are wearing the school uniform
Rationale: To cultivate self-management through personal responsibility and accountability
- All students are expected to be punctual for and be present in school to attend the flag raising ceremony and all lessons.
- Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- The procedures and timings for morning assembly and the flag raising ceremony are as follows:
- The slow music starts.
- Students are to assemble with their form class in the parade square / school hall / classroom for flag raising ceremony.
- An announcement will be made via the public address system if there are any changes to the assigned assembly venues due to inclement weather.
- The slow music ends.
- The school bell rings and the school gates will be closed at 7.35 a.m. sharp.
- The fast music starts.
- The fast music ends.
- The flag raising ceremony will commence.
- Students who are not present with their form class for the flag raising ceremony (although they are in school) will be considered as late for school.
- The procedures and timings for morning assembly and the flag raising ceremony on Wednesdays are as follows:
- The slow music starts.
- Students are to assemble with their form class in the parade square / school hall / classroom for flag raising ceremony.
- An announcement will be made via the public address system if there are any changes to the assigned assembly venues due to inclement weather.
- The slow music ends.
- The fast music starts.
- The fast music ends.
- The bell will ring.
- The school gates will be closed.
- The flag raising ceremony will commence.
- Students who are not present with their form class for the flag raising ceremony (although they are in school) will be considered as late for school.
- All students are to adhere to the following:
Be punctual and present for the flag raising ceremony, assembly, all lessons, activities and other school events.
Assemble in the parade square/school hall/classroom by 7.40 a.m (8.20 a.m. on Wednesday). It is the responsibility of the student to personally inform his/her Form Teacher if he/she is in school but not in the respective assembly area due to valid reasons.
- Inform the Form Teachers or the General Office of their absence from school by 7.40 a.m. (8.20 a.m. on Wednesday) on the day of absence.
- Submit an original copy of the Medical Certificate (MC) for the day(s) absent from school to the Form Teacher on the day of return to school.
- Letters from parents/guardians explaining a student’s absence from school should not exceed 5 in a semester as students’ attendance in school is critical for them to do well in school. Students will be considered as absent without valid reason if they have submitted parent letters/emails for more than 5 days of absence per semester or travelled overseas during term time for family holidays. Absence without valid reason can be considered as truancy and appropriate consequences will be meted out.
- Letters from parents/guardians cannot be used to explain absence from tests or examinations. Absence from a test/examination without a valid MC will result in the student getting a zero mark for the test/examination.
- Submitted MCs must be issued by a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Registration Act or the Dental Registration Act.
- Persistent truancy is viewed as a wilful absence from school and may result in expulsion. A student who is absent from school without any valid reasons for three days (the days need not be consecutive), will be issued a letter of warning.
- A student who has been late without valid reason for six times for the year will be issued an advisory letter. Persistent late-coming may result in suspension from school.
- After receiving a warning letter, a student who continues to be late (that is reaches school between 7.40 a.m. to 8.00 a.m.) without any valid reasons, may not be allowed to go to class.
- A student who is late on Wednesday (late day) for three times (the days need not be consecutive) will be placed under the Early Bird Programme. Students identified for the Early Bird Programme will have to report to school by 7.40 a.m. thereafter. Wilful absence from the programme will be deemed as defiance/truancy, and the affected students will be placed under detention and/or suspension from school.
- Students who reach school after 8.00 a.m. would be considered as severely late. They are to proceed to the General Office to see one of the Vice Principals (or Student Management KPs if the Vice Principals are not in schools) to obtain approval to proceed for lessons. Students should not proceed for lessons or activities for the day unless approval has been given via the issuance of a late coming slip by a Vice Principal or by a Student Management KP.
- Students with late-coming records the previous year, who arrive after 8.00 a.m. and have no valid reasons for being late, will not be allowed to go to class.
- Students who have been issued the late-coming slip are required to submit these slips to their Form Teachers or Subject Teachers for records purposes.
- Students with less than 95% attendance (where absence is without valid medical reasons) may not be allowed to sit for the End-of-Year examinations.
- Poor attendance in school and persistent late-coming may affect the conduct grade and testimonial of the student.
- Curriculum time is of utmost importance, as such, early release from school or absence during curriculum time will not be approved unless it is on compassionate grounds. Students are advised to schedule their medical or dental appointmentafter curriculum time.
- Students who need to be absent from school for an extended period (continuously three or more days) during term time for valid reasons should seek special permission from the Principal/Vice-Principal by filling in a Permission for Curriculum Absence (PCA) form. Failing which, absence from school during this period may be considered as truancy.
- For planned absences (with valid reasons) from curriculum, application should be submitted at least 2 weeks before. The PCA form may be obtained from the school’s General Office.
- For last minute request on compassionate grounds, students should approach the General Office directly if in school or notify via their form teachers if not in school.
- Students on Hospitalisation and/or Medical Leave need not submit the Permission for Curriculum Absence (PCA) Form and should instead follow the points listed out in part 5 (c), 5 (d) and 5 (g).
- Preparing and studying for tests or examinations is not a valid reason for absence from school and such offences will have a direct impact on the student’s conduct grade and testimonials.
- Going on holidays during term time will not be considered as a valid reason for absence from school, including lessons, CCA and school programmes. Such offences will have a direct impact on the student’s conduct grade and testimonials.
- Attending tuition and other enrichment outside of schoolwill not be considered as a valid reason for absence from school, afternoon lessons or programmes and CCA. Such offences will have a direct impact on the student’s conduct grade and testimonials.
- Attendance at detention and CWO is compulsory where assigned. Any assigned hours must be duly completed within the stipulated time.
- Attendance at CCA is compulsory. Students who are absent from CCA will need to produce a valid MC (refer to Point 3g above) for the period of absence to the CCA teacher in-charge. Poor CCA attendance may affect conduct grade and school/national representation in competitions.
- If a student no longer has any more lessons for the day, the earliest time that he/she can be dismissed from school will be at 12.30 p.m.
- Students who do not have any lessons in between periods should do their own self- revision at the school library. Where there are such instances, it will be formally arranged by the school. Students are to sign in and out with the librarian at the library.
Rationale: To cultivate self-discipline through responsible decision making
- Students are to ensure adherence to the following at all times:
- In school:
Students are to respect and obey all school rules and regulations.
Students are to display exemplary conduct and behave with decorum at all times.
- Students are to observe silence when they are in the classroom, at the parade square or school hall for flag raising ceremony or other school functions. They are to conduct themselves well during such gatherings where common courtesy and respect must be accorded to all concerned including guest speakers.
- Students must be respectful to all school staff and other students.
- Students are responsible for keeping the environment safe. The school has zero tolerance towards actions that may hurt or harm others emotionally or physically.
- Students are prohibited from entering any taff offices, such as the Staff Rooms, General office and HOD room, as well as the Staff Lounge.
- Students can enter special rooms in the school only when accompanied by teachers.
- Students are not allowed to invite anyone into the school without permission. All visitors to the school must obtain a Visitor Pass at the security post and report to the General Office.
- Students are strictly not allowed to use abusive or foul language.
- Possession of any material that promotes unhealthy habits such as gambling, violence, harassment, discrimination etc. are strictly not allowed
- Possession and consumption of alcohol, tobacco-related products and e-vapouriser related products, like cigarettes, e-vapourisers, e-vapouriser pods or cartridges, are strictly prohibited by law.
- Possession of any incendiary items, such as lighters, paracord survival bracelet, matchsticks, matchboxes, empty cigarette boxes, are strictly not allowed.
- Possession and consumption of drugs are strictly prohibited by law.
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon or weapon-like devices in school. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item that is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
- Cycling, skating, rollerblading, and riding skate-scooters within the school grounds are strictly not allowed.
- Students are to ensure adherence to the following at all times:
- In school:
- Students are to respect and obey all school rules and regulations.
- Students are to display exemplary conduct and behave with decorum at all times.
- Students are to observe silence when they are in the classroom, at the parade square or school hall for flag raising ceremony or other school functions. They are to conduct themselves well during such gatherings where common courtesy and respect must be accorded to all concerned including guest speakers.
- Students must be respectful to all school staff and other students.
- Students are responsible for keeping the environment safe. The school has zero tolerance towards actions that may hurt or harm others emotionally or physically.
- Students are prohibited from entering any staff offices, such as the Staff Rooms, General office and HOD room, as well as the Staff Lounge.
- Students can enter special rooms in the school only when accompanied by teachers.
- Students are not allowed to invite anyone into the school without permission. All visitors to the school must obtain a Visitor Pass at the security post and report to the General Office.
- Students are strictly not allowed to use abusive or foul language.
- Possession of any material that promotes unhealthy habits such as gambling, violence, harassment, discrimination etc. are strictly not allowed
- Possession and consumption of alcohol, tobacco-related products and e-vapouriser related products, like cigarettes, e-vapourisers, e-vapouriser pods or cartridges, are strictly prohibited by law.
- Possession of any incendiary items, such as lighters, paracord survival bracelet, matchsticks, matchboxes, empty cigarette boxes, are strictly not allowed.
- Possession and consumption of drugs are strictly prohibited by law.
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon or weapon-like devices in school. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item that is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
- Cycling, skating, rollerblading, and riding skate-scooters within the school grounds are strictly not allowed.
- In Class
- Students are expected to attend all their lessons and not leave the classrooms without permission or a valid reason.
- Students are expected to be punctual for lessons.
- Students are expected to be attentive and participate actively during lessons.
- Students are expected to complete and hand in all assignments on time.
- Students are expected to be responsible for the cleanliness of their classrooms.
- Students leaving the classroom during a lesson are expected to have a pass. Only 1 student will be allowed to leave the classroom at a time.
- Students who are going to another venue during a change of period are expected to do so promptly and in an orderly manner.
- Students are expected not to be walking around the classroom during lesson time.
- Students are expected not to be disruptive during lesson time.
- Students are expected to keep their hand phones and mobile devices out of sight (i.e. inside their school bags) unless otherwise instructed by teachers.
- No food and drinks except mineral water are allowed in the classrooms/special rooms. School staff has the right to discard any food or drinks brought into classroom.
- During Recess
- Students are not to stay in the class during recess unless with permission from a teacher.
- Students should queue for their food and can only buy food for themselves.
- Students should not enter the canteen vendors’ kitchen area at any time.
- Students should keep the canteen clean.
- Students should return all eating utensils to the respective receptacles after use.
- Students should not bring food and drinks out of the canteen or to the classrooms for consumption. Food and drinks should be consumed only at the designated eating areas.
- At school events/functions
- Students are to show respect and common courtesy to uphold the good name of the school at all times.
- Competitors / players should are to practise fair play when representing the school.
- Students are to observe the following regarding the use of mobile devices (including mobile phones and other electronic devices):
- Students carry mobile phones to school at their own risk. No other personal electronic devices (except school issued PDLP devices) should be brought to school.
- To ensure a conducive environment for learning in school, students are not allowed to use their mobile phones and non-PDLP related electronic devices during curriculum time. The table below summarises the use of devices during curriculum time.
Venues where personal and non-PDLP electronic devices may be used
Venues where personal and non-PDLP electronic devices are not to be used at all times
(permission must be obtained from teachers)
During recess:
- Basketball Courts
- Canteen
- Field
- Foyer
- Volleyball Courts
- Art Rooms
- Classrooms
- Computer laboratories
- Corridor along classrooms
- In-door Sports Hall
- Foyer
- Design and Technology Workshops
- Kitchen
- Multi-purpose Hall
- Science laboratories
- Stairway
- Students are to inform their parents/guardians of the school’s policies on the use of mobile devices during curriculum time. For safety and emergency purposes, parents/guardians who need to contact their child/ward urgently can contact the General Office at 6288 4159.
- All mobile phones and non-PDLP related electronic devices should be switched off and kept out-of-sight unless it is used for the purpose of teaching and learning and approved by the teacher. They will be confiscated if they are seen or heard during curriculum time.
- Charging of any electronic devices is not allowed at all times. Students should instead charge their devices at the allocated charging kiosk(s) found in the school canteen.
- Students are responsible for the proper use and cleanliness of the charging kiosk(s). Any intentional damage(s) or damage(s) due to negligence will be deemed the responsibility of the student(s), who will bear the cost of damage and face disciplinary action in accordance with the school’s discipline policy.
- The school retains the right to open the charging kiosk(s) and/or units to remove any non-complying PLDs at any time for the safety, security and disciplinary purposes.
- All damages spotted by students should be reported to the General Office.
- The period of confiscation will be as follows:
- Upon return of the confiscated mobile device and non-PDLP electronic devices, it is the students' responsibility to check that their phone is in a condition similar to that prior to confiscation.
- The school may confiscate the mobile device and non-PDLP electronic devices as a disciplinary measure or access the mobile device for the purpose of investigation.
- Students who repeatedly flout the rule may be banned from bringing their mobile device and non-PDLP electronic devices to the school.
- Should students need to make a call to their parents/guardians or read an urgent text message during curriculum time, they should proceed to the General Office where they will be allowed to use the phone there.
- Students should not abuse the use of mobile device and non-PDLP electronic devices. They should not take photographs or videos of others without their permission.
- Students are to note that the lockers in the classroom are there to provide interim storage and security for their Personal Learning Devices (PLDs) and learning materials. They are to observe the following expectations regarding the use of these classroom lockers:
- The responsibility to maintain the condition and cleanliness of the lockers lay with the assigned students. The assigned students shall be held liable if they inflict any wilful damage (e.g. vandalism) to their lockers or fail to report in a timely manner for any damage discovered.
- The responsibility for any lost or stolen items from the lockers lay with the assigned students. Students therefore should not share access to the lockers with any other students.
- The lockers shall be used to store items belonging to the assigned students only. Sharing of lockers is not allowed.
- The lockers should not be used for any other purposes except to store the PLDs.
- PLDs should be not left charging in the lockers, and all PLDs must be brought home and not left in the lockers overnight.
- The lockers shall not be used to store any of the following items:
- Any items that can attract pests (e.g. all food and drinks, food wrapper and other forms of litter)
- Any items that can affect the safety of students and staff (E.g. Items that can start fires, weapons or weapon-like objects etc)
- Any items that can cause distraction in class and affect students’ learning
- Any contraband (e.g. tobacco-related products like cigarettes and e-vaporisers etc)
- School retains the rights to open the lockers at any time for the purpose of safety and security (e.g. through routine spot-checks, disciplinary investigations etc).
- To ensure the safety of students and staff within the school premises, all students who arrive in school by private transport must alight at the designated disembarkation areas. Students should inform their parents/guardians that no waiting or parking is allowed at the designated disembarkation areas. Such areas are designated drop off and pick up zones only.
- The overall Conduct Grade, Attendance, Punctuality of each student will be reflected in his/her Result Slip at the end of the year.
Students are to demonstrate the same behaviour and attitude as expected in school itself during the use of internet technology for communication and online lessons. In particular,
- When using internet technology [1] to communicate with others, students are expected to be respectful to others by not sharing
- Obscene, derogatory or insensitive remarks/materials.
- Information/materials that promotes unsafe or illegal acts [2].
- Information and materials that would affect the safety or privacy of others.
- For online lessons, students are expected to
- Be punctual for all scheduled online lessons.
- Be prompt in informing their teachers should they be unable to attend the online lessons due to valid reasons (e.g. on MC etc.). Absences must be supported by appropriate documentation, similar to how absence from school is accounted for (see Attendance 3d & e above). Absence from school, without any valid reasons, is considered truancy.
- Be attentive and actively participate during lessons.
- Be neat and appropriately attired for lessons.
- Ensure that a conducive place is used for the online lessons.
- Ensure that the video camera is on and their faces are displayed prominently on screen.
- Ensure that the mute button is activated when they are not speaking so as to avoid disrupting other participants’ learning.
- Demonstrate respect to teachers and classmates at all times by
- Having only one person speak at a time
- Giving their fullest attention to whoever is speaking
- Being polite in their interactions
- Avoid sharing account details, such as the Login ID and password, with others for online lesson platforms such as SLS, Zoom, Google Meet etc.).
- Always log out from the online lesson platforms after every use.
- Be wary of suspicious emails and report such emails to your teachers.
- Protect the privacy by not video-recording or taking photos of other participants in the online lessons.
- Comply with the teachers’ instructions at all times during the online lessons.
- Late coming for school lessons and CCAs
- Unauthorised alteration of school uniform
- Improper/Unacceptable attire Improper/Unacceptable appearance
- Unauthorised and improper use of mobile phones during curriculum time
- IT-related offences depending on the nature of the offence
- Failure to return plates and cutlery to assigned receptacles
- Failure to complete and hand in assignments on time
- Failure to complete detention hours.
- Follow up by Form Teachers/Subject Teachers/CCA Teachers
- Confiscation of unauthorised items
- Corrective Work Order
- Counselling
- Detention
- Immediate rectification
- Involvement of parents
- Meeting with Vice Principal
- Probation
- Review of Conduct Grade
- Suspension
- Verbal warning
- Absence without valid reasons from school (i.e. Truancy)
- Arson or any attempt to start a fire
- Attempting to cheat or cheating in any form in school test or examination
- Borrowing or lending of money
- Bullying/Fighting/Instigating others to fight
- Commission of offences during probation period
- Cyber abuse
- Deception and forgery of any kind
- Defiance towards school authority
- Disregard of safety rules in school premises and special rooms such as workshops, kitchens and laboratories
- Engaging in inappropriate behaviours and/or having inappropriate physical contact in or outside of school.
- Extortion
- Gambling
- Gang association
- Glue sniffing
- Online impersonation
- IT-related offences depending on the nature of the offence
- Leaving school without permission
- Misuse of school equipment or facilities
- Outrage of modesty
- Persistent absenteeism from CCA without valid reasons
- Persistent disruptive behaviour in class or during assembly or school events
- Persistent late-coming
- Possession of any items that could start a fire such as matchsticks and lighters/paracord bracelet with fire-starting features
- Possession of weapon and weapon-like device
- Possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs
- Possession or viewing of pornography or unauthorised materials
- Receiving police reports on commission of offences
- Smoking or possession of cigarettes/ cigars
- Theft
- Use of abusive or vulgar language, including on online platforms
- Vandalism
- Vaping or possession of e-vapourisers or e-vapouriser pods and catridges
- Caning
- Confiscation of unauthorised items
- Corrective Work Order
- Detention
- Expulsion
- Individual Monitoring via a Monitoring Booklet
- Involvement of External Agencies
- Involvement of Parents
- Letter of Undertaking and Probation with monthly progress report from teachers
- Meeting with Principal
- Meeting with Vice Principal
- Official record of offence(s)
- Period of compulsory counselling
- Review of Conduct Grade
- Review of Testimonial
- Suspension
- Warning Letter
Note: Students who are responsible for any breach of the above etiquette will be considered as having committed an offence in school and will therefore face a consequence during the school’s follow-up actions.
[1] Applications involving the use of internet technology for communication includes but not limiting to Emails, Instant messaging applications (like WhatsApp, Discord, Instagram Direct Messenger etc) and social networking sites (like Instagram, Facebook etc).
[2] Unsafe or illegal acts includes, but not limiting to, gangsterism, pornography, drug/tobacco abuse (including vaping), gambling, violence, harassment, discrimination etc.
Possible Corrective & Disciplinary Actions Minor Offences
A breach of the rules and regulations in the areas of Attire, Appearance, Attendance, Attitude and Behaviour including
Serious Offences
The repeat occurrence of the above mentioned minor offences resulting in the persistent commission of the offences would constitute a serious offence. In addition, the following offences are considered serious:
The above list is non-exhaustive. The school reserves the sole right to determine and decide which category the offence falls under and the appropriate corrective and disciplinary action(s) that needs to be taken.
The school may also issue rules and guidelines pertaining to specific matters of discipline from time to time. These may serve to add on to or clarify existing rules and corrective actions.
Updated 28 December 2022
No. of offences
Confiscation period
1st time
1 day
2nd time
3 days
3rd time
5 days
4th time or more
Mobile phones only to be returned to parents after 7 working days.
Students may be banned from bringing mobile phones to school.
School Events / Activities |
Attire |
Daily |
Days with PE lessons |
School functions |
Examinations |
Inter-class Games |
School Excursions & Learning Journeys |
Saturdays & School Holidays |
Physical activities and in the Gym |
Night Study Programme /Consultations |
Co-curricular Activities (CCA) |
Every Friday |
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Male – Lower Sec Short Pants (Front & Side) | Male – Upper Sec Long Pants (Front & Side) | Female – Skirt (Front & Side) |
Rationale: To portray a positive image of oneself through personal grooming and hygiene.


Time |
Activity |
7.35 a.m. |
7.35 a.m. – 7.38 a.m. |
7.40 a.m. onwards |
Time |
Activity |
8.15 a.m. |
8.18 a.m. – 8.20 a.m. |
8.20 a.m. onwards |