Student Management
Student Management
In Peicai, we aim to nurture in our students desired values and behaviours that are exemplary through the school’s Code of Conduct.
The discipline processes and systems in the school are designed to help and guide students to think responsibly, reflect on their actions, understand the consequences of actions as well as responsibilities in coming up with collaborative solutions to move forward.
The school has a clear set of rules and regulations, which together with the school’s philosophy for discipline, are shared with the students. The rationale for each segment of the rules and regulations have been articulated explicitly to ensure that students follow rules accordingly.
We believe that students who graduate from PCSS would leave the school as responsible young adults and citizens who are ready to contribute to the community and the nation.
The school’s Code of Conduct emphasises on the 4As to nurture in our students desired values and behaviours that are exemplary.
Rationale: To present oneself well and uphold the good name of the school with pride.
Rationale: To portray a positive image of self through personal grooming and hygiene.
Rationale: To cultivate self-management through personal responsibility and accountability.
Rationale: To cultivate self-discipline through responsible decision making.