English PinnaCle Programme
English PinnaCle Programme
English PinnaCle teamed up with SingLit Station to host several workshops. Esteemed local authors shared invaluable creative writing techniques with our students. Selected students also took part in the Unity Young Writers Festival, which was dedicated to celebrating the written word within Singapore’s literary community. Our English Pinnacle students also received public speaking and debate training from Julia Gabriel Centre. Our best speakers were then chosen to take part in the prestigious Singapore Secondary School Debating Championships. The PinnaCle students also embarked on an enriching learning journey, to experience a thought-provoking “Animal Farm” theatre production. They had the unique opportunity to participate in a Q&A session and workshop with the cast.
Learning Experiences
Key Achievements:
This is a prestigious programme which “shadows” the National Debate Team’s training programme. Members of the National Debate Training programme will receive individualised training and mentorship to stretch their abilities and would have the opportunities to train together with the National Team. In past years, members have had the opportunity to take part in prestigious local and regional tournaments, gaining competition mettle.